Keep it Clean Ladies...Clean Make Up That Is!
Switching to clean make up is an easy way to make a pretty significant change to your health.
I wasn’t sure about it at first. I was super happy with all my other make up…until I found out what was in it. Have you guys ever heard of the YUKA app? It’s a super helpful tool to see if the make up and food you’re buying are either good or harmful to your body. Let’s just say, things like “carcinogenic, endocrine disrupter, shown to cause cancers, banned in Europe” were all things that popped up with my old makeup regime. Pandoras box had it been opened and I didn’t want to continue to use what was in my drawer day in and day out.
When I started my research for my new every day make up, I was shocked at how many brands marketed their products as clean when they still contained the same harmful ingredients as the products I was looking to replace. Here’s the deal though. The US has their list of “clean” ingredients, but the US standards don’t even come close to European standards. And until they do, they ain’t clean baby!
However, the company I’ve found thus far that is consistency Yuka ranked as either good or excellent is called Ilia. I use their foundation, lip/ blush sticks and mascara almost daily. They also have more vibrant colors for lips and eyes for fun nights out! I’ve been super happy with with the switch and haven’t looked back to my old toxic makeup.
For my brows, I use Kosas Brows. These go on super are also ranked excellent in the Yuka app. I bought the liner at least 4 months ago and it still hasn’t run out! Isn’t annoying when you buy a brow stick and there’s hardly anything in it?
Also, let me just say this, I spend no more than 5-7 minutes putting on the make up I just shared. Unless I have nighttime plans, you’ll never bump into me at Target with contour! I hope you all fall in love with these products as quickly as I did!
Love, Lanie